

Last metadata update
General information
Description of the section
This section presents information that reflects the importance of the crop based on indicators associated with the area dedicated to its production, and in relation to other crops or crop groups. In total, information is available for countries and regions.
Base indicators
Harvested area (of the crop and the different crop groups) at the country level: Refers to the area provided by the crop. Therefore, the harvested area excludes the area that was planted but not harvested due to damage or other causes.
Estimated indicators
Harvested area (of the crop and the different crop groups) at regional and global level: Refers to the sum of the harvested area of all the countries that make up a region or another and that have available information.
Crop group area %: Ratio of area harvested with beans to total area harvested with other pulses.
% of area with crops): Proportion of area harvested with beans over total area harvested with other crops.
Ranking: Indicates the ordinal position in which the beans crop is placed in relation to the harvested area compared to other crops.
Crop group area %: Ratio of area harvested with beans to total area harvested with other pulses.
% of area with crops): Proportion of area harvested with beans over total area harvested with other crops.
Ranking: Indicates the ordinal position in which the beans crop is placed in relation to the harvested area compared to other crops.
Coverage and extension
Geographic coverage
Granularity list
National, Regional, Global
Time coverage
Additional information
Spanish, English, Portuguese
Source of base indicators
Source of download of base indicatos
Update frequency
Last update
Data access and licensing
This database is publicly accessible and can be consulted online. The database is licensed under CC BY 4.0.
Database size
Base with records